Monday, September 23, 2013

Sept. 22 - Plugging Along - 18 miles on Sat.

After speaking with my friend Shep in England, and with several people at the Masuk Class of `83 Reunion on Sat., I've decided to try to keep somewhat current on my blog, even though the main mission of 1,000 miles has been reached.

The week after the 1,000 mile finale and Orzo's party, I started to feel very sluggish.  I think I was dealing with a bug of some sort but also with a big adrenaline drain.  I was hoping to go right into marathon training mode with only 9 weeks left before the NYC Marathon, but it just wasn't in the cards.  I dialed back the training and only got a 14 mile week in.

My second post 1K week was also tough as I was overseas for a week on business.  I managed to get 4 runs in, including a 17 miler on Sun. Sept 15.  While it was a fun run and a great way to take in the sights of London, it was not the best training run given the many starts and stops.  Still, I felt good overall and was glad I was able to sneak a long run in on the trip.

The real test was Sat. Sept 21.  I arrived home Fri afternoon after an 8 hour flight and started to adjust to the 6 hour time difference between Hamburg, Germany and Colchester.  After taking care of a few chores and watching Shea at her horseback riding lesson (a must after a week away), I went out for 18 miles.  I ran 4+ miles around the Bacon Academy track, then the very hilly Colchester Half Marathon course and finished with a little over a half a mile in front of the school.  Of course with my luck, after 2 hours and 39 minutes of running, and needing a bathroom facility urgently, I arrived a the athletic field's port-a-potties exactly at halftime of the high school football game and waited behind the line of fans who had "held it" for two quarters.

The next challenge was being able to stand upright and be conversant with my classmates at our 30th high school reunion Sat. night.  I managed to recover from the run and had a great time, with possible exception of an ill-advised 30 seconds or so on the dance floor.  Hopefully nobody took any pictures during this brief period, leaving my pained expression (and the pained expressions of anyone watching me dance) recorded only in the memory banks of a few unfortunate souls.

Given my limited training over the last two weeks, I paced myself very conservatively (around 9 minutes a mile).  I came in at 8:52/mi and felt pretty good, though I'm still sore today (Mon morning) which means I still have a ways to go to be ready for NYC.  I should be able to get a 20 miler in this coming weekend and I hope to have a solid week of running this week.  The weather looks great so I am really looking forward to things coming together this week and down the stretch.

I know several people have donated money and sponsored miles since I completed the 1,000 mile.  At the reunion, Mike Lester suggested that I just keep running for anyone who cares to sponsor miles, which I think is a great idea.  In my next post I will write about the recent sponsors and the miles I plan to run for them.  Thanks for the idea, Fester!

Lastly, I haven't received any information about the batons yet, but I know the Pernek's are planning to kick things off with the Bethel High baton in Florida.  No word on whether anyone has found the Camp Tepee baton, but I'll keep monitoring the blog for a connection.

Here's a list of my runs since the Sept. 1 finale:

Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles

9/2 M 0 0.0 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 1000.0
9/3 Tu 7:00p 4.8 37:10:00 7:49:28 0 0 1004.8
9/4 W 6:10p 6.0 53:26:00 8:54:20 0 0 1010.8
9/5 Th 0 0.0 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 1010.8
9/6 F 0 0.0 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 1010.8
9/7 Sa 6:45a 4.1 31:24:00 7:41:46 0 0 1014.8
9/8 Su 0 0.0 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 1014.8
9/9 M 0 0.0 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 1014.8
9/10 Tu 7:00a 4.5 35:54:00 7:57:36 0 0 1019.3
9/11 W 7:15a 4.7 37:23:00 7:55:13 0 0 1024.1
9/12 Th 7:00a 7.4 58:31:00 7:54:28 0 0 1031.5
9/13 F 0 0.0 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 1031.5
9/14 Sa 0 0.0 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 1031.5
9/15 Su 12:30p 1.4 11:39:00 8:37:47 0 0 1032.8
9/15 Su 1:00p 17.0 2:29:29 8:47:35 0 0 1049.8
9/16 M 1:30p 4.5 36:46:00 8:09:08 0 0 1054.3
9/17 Tu 5:00p 3.9 31:30:00 8:09:38 0 0 1058.2
9/18 W 0 0.0 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 1058.2
9/19 Th 6:30a 3.0 24:50:00 8:16:40 0 0 1061.2
9/20 F 0 0.0 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 1061.2
9/21 Sa 12:30p 18.0 2:39:46 8:52:33 0 0 1079.2
9/22 Su 0 0.0 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 1079.2

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sept. 15 - NYC Marathon Training - Ran 17 Miles

Ready to fire up the blog again after a couple of weeks away.  I ran 17 miles in rainy, blustery London (definitely not the Day Pond Loop!).  I'm here on business but had a free day today.  Incredibly, I literally ran into the World Ironman Championships that started at 1:30pm this afternoon in Hyde Park. As the pictures show, Chase was with me all the way.

I had to stop many times for mobs of people at the event, in Westminster and at the Tower of London, and also to stop and look at maps as I meandered around the city.  I felt much better than I expected, given minimal training over the last two weeks.  The first week of Sept. I was struggling with a bug of some sort.  I didn't have any cold symptoms but felt incredibly fatigued.  I had taken many runs on which I started off tired but snapped to after a mile or so, but during this period I struggled through a 5 mile run which felt like 25.  

I took a few days off and started to feel better last week.  I got a decent 7.4 mile run in last Th, but couldn't get out either Fri of Sat mainly due to prep for the London trip.  But today was a treat, even with the weather.  I will definitely need to get an uninterrupted 20 miler in when I get back to see if I'm anywhere near ready for the big race.  I think today's run tells me I can go deep into the marathon at least at a very easy pace, though I hope I won't be stopping and starting as much in New York!

Fish & Chips - English traditional fare but a tough pre-run meal!
Starting off at the hotel
Chase & me at Big Ben

Palace of Westminster
Funny, haven't run into the World Ironman Championships
on the Day Pond Loop!
Swimming venue
Ironmen in the bike phase
Chase & Me at the Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge at 14.5 mile mark

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sept. 1 - 14 Miles Ran - The Grand Finale!


Last Mile Details:

Sunday, Sept. 1, last mile begins at 12:30-12:45pm

Monroe - Chalk Hill Middle School, 375 Fan Hill Rd. to the Orzechowski residence, 3 E. Maiden Lane

On Sept. 1, I will be running from the Bethel High School track (site of Chase's first track meet) to Camp Tepee in Monroe (site of Chase's first baseball game) to Chalk Hill where I will join Race4Chase teammates and supporters to finish the last mile together.

Other Info:
-Race4Chase tent will be up on Chalk Hill grounds by 11:30am
-parking at Chalk Hill is permitted (per Monroe First Selectman)
-police escort up Fan Hill to 3 E. Maiden Lane
-kids welcome
-last mile will be at walking pace
-runners welcome to join me at any point of 14 mile course (route posted in July 25th post)
-all participants welcome to stay at the Orzechowski's Labor Day party which will be in progress when we arrive

I completed the 1,000 mile journey in style, thanks to an estimated 100 supporters at Chalk Hill.  (My sister Beth did a head count of the group photo and is sure we cracked the century mark).  The entire day was perfect, especially the last mile with the Race4Chase team and the last 10 yards hand-in-hand with Becky Kowalski.  I started out at Bethel High where I placed a running baton at the starting line of the Bethel High track.  I then started my run back to Chalk Hill, with a stop at Camp Tepee where I placed the second baton near home plate on the baseball field.  Many blog followers know the story of the batons-the locations were chosen because Chase first began running track meets on the Bethel High track and played his first baseball games on the Camp Tepee field.  A message was placed inside the batons asking the finder to perform an athletic activity in honor of Chase and then pass the baton off to another to do the same.  The instructions include a request that each person post a comment in this blog so that we can all share in these ongoing efforts to honor Chase.

I received a Facetime call from Greg Ruel and Steve Kowalski about 5 miles into the run.  It was quite, er, inspiring to see them swigging water and talking about picking up donuts as I toiled away on the road!  The run from Bethel included many rolling hills, but was no hillier than my Colchester routes.  It was very hot and humid, and even though I went along at a very easy pace, I still felt pretty fatigued. I reached Camp Tepee where I met Steve, Becky, their daughter Brittany, Greg, Kevin Grimes and two guys from Steve's work (sorry fellas, brain freezing on names right now!).  We took a few photos there and then Greg, Kevin and the two co-workers headed off for Chalk Hill.  Scott Timmons, a Masuk grad who lived just off the route, jumped in with about 2.5 miles to go, and we all finished the 13 miles together before and incredibly enthusiastic crowd at Chalk Hill.  My daughter, Shea (12), niece Annabelle (11) and nephew Kevin (5) sprinted ahead to greet me, and I high-fived my way to the 999 mile mark at Chalk Hill.  After a few speeches, thank yous and a Race4Chase team photo, our group was off to cover the final mile up Fan Hill to the Orzo's house.

The Orzo's set up a ribbon to mark the 1,000 mile spot, and in an awesome moment for me, Becky and I joined hands and ran through the finish line together.  Amazing.  Made all those Day Pond Loops worth it x 100!

It has been a privilege running these miles for Chase and sharing my efforts with the Kowalski's and others who have cared to follow my efforts.  I have so many thank yous to give out for yesterday's efforts and the the entire 1,000 miles; first, to my wife Ellie, who did a lot of extra heavy-lifting at home while I put in mile after mile--and for getting me to Bethel High on time yesterday so that I didn't leave a huge group of supporters wondering where I was!; to Becky and Steve, for warmly receiving me into their circle to pay tribute Chase and then become true friends; to my family, especially my sister Beth who supported me through out the entire 1,000 mile journey: begging me to expand my blog entries beyond the Day Pond Loop blah, blah, blah, being there at 12:30am on the New Haven Green when I finished leg two of One Run for Boston, and finally for handling most of the logistics in putting together yesterday's events at Chalk Hill; to Shea, Annabelle and Kevin Patrick (daughter, niece and nephew) for making 4 awesome signs to provide a pick-me-up at various points on my final route; to John Voket, who gave his time and provided music and audio on a moment's notice; to Vicky Pernek, who traveled from Florida to attend the Last Mile event; to Girls Gone Miles, who turned out in force to support Race4Chase; to Cathy Kost (Dawn Evanko's friend) who did the last mile yesterday after running 23 miles earlier in the day as part of her triathlon training; to Steve Vavrek, Monroe First Selectman, and John Salvatore, Chief of Police, for allowing us the use of Chalk Hill and providing the escort of Fan Hill, and to the police officers posted at Chalk Hill for their time and flexibility with our loosely-planned gathering; to Len Gutman, who has showed up from NYC for just about every Race4Chase event; to the Orzo's for allowing me to connect my last mile to their awesome Labor Day party and for handling the distribution of Race4Chase shirts, pins, bracelets, etc.

I know I'm leaving out many supporters--sorry, the entire effort and yesterday are still sort of a blur in my mind.  I feel honored and humbled by the support given to me throughout the year and especially yesterday.  It's hard to describe the feeling of seeing all the supporters cheering me on as I approached Chalk Hill and again at the Orzo's.  All I can say is that in one small way, for a few brief moments, we were all together embodying the Kowalski's goal of turning tragedy into triumph.  Thank you all.

I now continue my Race4Chase by training for the New York Marathon on Nov 3.  I'm not sure what form this blog will take from here on in, but I will use it to track the baton effort, and perhaps make blog entries about my marathon training and the race itself.  Whatever we do, let's keep Chase's pure spirit, competitive fire and zest for life inside us as we move forward and continue to Race4Chase!

Today's Line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles

9/1 Su 10:30a 14.0 2:11:48 9:24:51 85f 5 1000.0

Reaching the Finish Line with Becky
10 yards to 1,000 miles!

Ellie helps with the batons the night before
Request for baton finders to complete an athletic activity for Chase
and then pass the baton on to another to do the same
Note to baton finders
Hoping the baton finders keep the blog going!
Dad helping with the baton
Placing the baton at the starting line at the Bethel High track
Starting the final run from Bethel High
Coming in to Chalk Hill to mile 999
Becky holding a tribute baton for Chase
Dad greeting me at the 999 mile mark
Finishing the last mile up Fan Hill with my daughter Shea
 and Kathy who ran 23 miles earlier in the day
Celebrating the final mile with friends
Girls Gone Miles!
At the top of Fan Hill - 1/10th of a mile to go!
Coming on to Fan Hill on way to Chalk Hill
Last Mile Club!
Picture taken by the Pernek's who went back to Bethel High to get the baton
 so that their 11-year-old daughter can complete the first athletic effort