Miles Completed: 1,000!
Next 1,000 Mile total: 268.3
NYC Marathon: 3:44:22
Next Stop: ???
(Originally Posted on January 14, 2013--Subsequent posts appear below with the most recent posts appearing first)
I have started this blog in honor of Chase Kowalski, one of the innocent souls taken in the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy on December 14, 2012. I went to high school with Chase's parents, Steve and Becky Kowalski. Becky was a freshman when Steve and I were seniors. Along with many neighbors, friends and classmates, I offered my support to the Kowalski's in the aftermath of the tragedy. Amazingly, through their grace and strength, Steve and Becky have actually comforted the masses assembled to support them. If nothing else comes of this blog, I hope it inspires you visit the Chase Kowalski Memorial Fund site to share in the strength of this family. If you feel empty and powerless as a result of this senseless tragedy, like I did, the Kowalski's offer an antidote in their resilience and determination to honor their son's memory. These traits leap off the screen at the Fund site.

Like many of those with direct or even tenuous connections to the Sandy Hook families, I have been searching for ways to pay a personal tribute to the children, in my case Chase. I have settled on a commitment to run 1,000 miles in 2013 in honor of Chase. Before he turned 7, Chase had already started to pursue a love of running, having completed (and winning) The Kids Who Tri Succeed triathlon last August. Committing to a long-term running goal will allow me to connect with Chase every time I hit the pavement.
In addition to this simple gesture to the Kowalski family, I would also like to raise money to support their goal of opening one or more community centers in the Newtown area and perhaps beyond. To that end, I will donate $1 for each mile I run. I would also humbly ask that followers of this blog consider sponsoring one or more of my miles by donating $10 for each mile sponsored to the Memorial Fund. For example, one mile sponsored = a $10 donation, two miles = $20 and so on. I don't know if we'll get all 1,000 miles sponsored, but let's get started and see where it goes! The details on how to sponsor miles can be found in the upper right corner of the blog under the title "How It Works". If you have any questions about the process, please email me at

Lastly, if you are unable or unsure about making a financial commitment, please consider running a few miles in honor of Chase. In addition to their specific goals, Steve and Becky also pray that Chase will touch people in small, personal ways--if he motivates a few people to share in his joy of running through this blog, that's a great start.
Kevin Bresnahan,
Colchester, CT