Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan. 31 - Unscheduled Day of Rest - Argghhh

Life got in the way today as I couldn't get out for a run early this morning and then I was stuck in a meeting all day (2 down, 1 to go).  This was the first day this year that I just couldn't find a way out to the street when I really wanted to run.  I guess it was for the best, though, as the 50-60 mile wind gusts wouldn't have been any fun.

On the sponsor side, a fellow named Ashish Modi emailed me and said he'd like to donate $100 (worth 10 miles) but he needed payment instructions.  I'll put Ashish in the books for miles 160-169 and provide him with the link to the donation page.  Ashish is friends with Len Gutman who sponsored 6 miles yesterday.  Thanks Ashish, I really appreciate your support.

Right before I was going to sign off I saw that Karen Krajcik Myette has chimed in and sponsored 5 miles.  Thanks Karen, nice to hear from you!  You have miles 170-174, which are currently scheduled for around Feb. 20.  I have it in my head that I'm going to run the Colchester Half Marathon on Feb. 23 so maybe I'll get to 174 sooner in prepping for the 23rd.

Last day of the all day meetings tomorrow.  I am really going to try to get at least 3 miles in early tomorrow.  Can't let work win the battle two days in a row!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jan. 30 - 3.1 Miles Ran, 28 Miles Sposored

I was able to get out and run at 5:45am this morning.  A long commute and all day meeting left no other option.  I ran 3.1 miles around Day Pond near my house in Colchester.  The run had one scary stretch through the woods where the ice hadn't melted.  Fortunately, I navigated the icy patches and avoided any spills.  These miles were sponsored by Gwen Brennan Kauffman (105 and 106) and Betsy Steiner (107).  Thanks Gwen and Betsy--you are the sponsors of my first run in the dark!

The sponsors kicked it up a notch late yesterday and today--sponsoring more than a marathon's worth of miles..  The following people/families have joined the effort:

Celine Caliento Wicks, Miles 142-143;
Len Gutman, 144-149;
Heather Goode, 150-151;
Sara Steinert-Borella Family, 152-156;
Joanne Zuzick Garrett, sons 1-3, 157, 158 and 159 respectively and
Kevin Farkas, 201, 301, 401, 501, 601, 701, 801, 901-903.

Some of these sponsors are old friends and classmates, others are kind-hearted strangers.  I appreciate this outburst of support and look forward to running these miles over the course of the next two weeks (and months for the Farkas miles).

Today's Line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/30 W 5:40a 3.1 28:05:00 9:03:33 40f 7 107.2

Who needs coffee!
Looks can be deceiving...I'm not running through a blizzard, that's just a little fog.
At least the reflective vest works!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan. 29 - 3.6 Miles Ran, 7 Miles Sponsored

After last week's weather, temps in the 30's felt absolutely balmy today.  I actually ran in shorts and after a rough first mile it felt great.  I ran the 3.6 mile Batterson Lake loop in Farmington.  I felt very strong after a day off and two days after putting in some speed work (I know, it's all relative) at the 5-miler on Sunday.  The run took me through miles 100 to 104.  Gwen Brennan Kauffman sponsored these miles and she has a few more for me to cover.  Thanks again Gwen.  It will be a real challenge to run over the next three days due to all-day conferences each day.  The only way for me to get miles in outdoors is to do a little running in the dark (with my reflective vest of course).  We'll see have it goes.

In a very nice development I have connected with Lindsay Knauf and we have cross-linked our blogs.  As a result of this, a follower of her blog, Tom Jones, linked to my blog and sponsored 2 miles and Lori Kessler sponsored an additional 5 miles as well.  Thank you both for your generosity and support.  Tom has miles 135 and 136 and Lori has miles 137-141.  At the current rate I should reach these miles late next week.

I was also able to shake my Dad down and get confirmation on his first $100 donation.  Time to press on to number 200!

Today's Line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/29 Tu 2:00p 3.6 28:15:00 7:50:50 35f 8 104.1

Batterson Lake at the 2.3 mile mark--looking forward to the summer  pic from this spot!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Jan. 28 - Don't Worry be Hoppy

Today Eric Hopkins, an old high school friend, sponsored 10 miles and prevented what would have otherwise  been a dormant day.  After a 10-miler on Sat. and a 5-mile race yesterday, the old joints demanded a day of rest.  But Hoppy stepped up to make sure the sponsors stay comfortably ahead of my running pace.  It's really great to hear from old friends and I am awed by the generosity that Eric and the other sponsors have shown.  Eric has miles 124 and 126-134 which I should reach late next week.

Another great thing about my run yesterday was surpassing the 100 mile mark.  This allows me to send my first bill to my Dad, who pledged $100 for each 100 mile mark I reach.  By running all these miles and sending my Dad a bill I'm starting to feel like I'm in college again.  Thanks Dad for your support, and keep saving up, 200 is right around the corner.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jan. 27 - Winter Wonderland 5 Miler

Awesome day of running today.  I ran the Winter Wonderland 5 Miler in Milford this morning.  It was cold (again) but not windy at all--turned out to be a very pleasant run.  My amazing sister Beth, who hadn't run in years, joined me for her second road race in two days.  A few weeks ago Beth learned of a woman named Lindsay Knauf's commitment to run 26 races this year in honor of the Sandy Hook teachers and students (, and was so inspired that she decided to join Linsday for her first two races.  I met Lindsay today; and she is truly inspirational--the races she ran yesterday and today came only a week after her gall bladder surgery.  Need more inspiration?  How about the 70-year-old man who nearly passed me at the tape--clocking in at 7:25 min./mile!.

Beth also sponsored 5 miles yesterday, which are miles 119-123.  I should reach these miles in about a week.  Thanks Beth--it was great to see you cross the finish line today--now let's get ready for the next race!

Today's line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/27 Su 9:30a 5.0 36:53:00 7:22:36 27f 10 97.7
1/27 Su 10:10a 2.8 n/a n/a 27f 2 100.5

The line looks a little weird today; I broke the miles into two segments; the first being the timed 5 mile race, the second being the miles I covered jogging back to Beth and then finishing the race with her.  Very cool that these miles took the total over the century mark.  Today's miles were sponsored by Jacquie DeChristopher Hamel (93-96) and Gwen Brennan Kauffman (97-100).  Thanks Jacquie and Gwen!

Sunny start to the race.

27 degrees--yes, she's wearing shorts.

Linked up with Beth at the 3.6 mile mark.

Beth's son Kevin Patrick joins her at the finish line.

Celebrating the race and the 100 mile mark.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jan. 26 - 10.5 Miles Ran, 10 Miles Sponsored

I put in 10.5 through the back streets of Colchester this afternoon, which helped me catch up a tiny bit on the sponsors.  Kathy Lennon Mason sponsored 10 miles today, thanks Kath!  Kathy and I go way back to Fawn Hollow Elementary School, first grade I think, and know enough embarrassing stuff about each other to keep everything in the vault.  I hope. :)

Kathy has miles 109-118 which I should complete next weekend.  The miles I put in today covered 83-91, sponsored by my cousin Jerome Bresnahan, and 92, sponsored by Jacquie DeChristopher Hamel.  This was the longest I've run since last May, and I felt pretty good.  It was about 25 degrees and a little windy.  Unfortunately the wind was coming right at me for the first mile before I warmed up, but after that I had a really nice run.  I upped the mileage because I'm hoping to be fit enough to do the Colchester Half Marathon in late February.

I hope to do a 5 mile race tomorrow morning in Milford.and meet a woman named Lindsay Knauf who this year is running 26 races, one for each child and teacher lost in the Sandy Hook tragedy.

Thanks Jerome and Jacquie for your generosity!

Today's Line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/26 Sa 1:00p 10.5 1:29:08 8:29:20 25f 5 92.7

Christmas Tree Farm on Colchester/Lebanon border - 3.7-mile mark

Cows checking out the (very limited) action at the 5-mile mark

Friday, January 25, 2013

Jan. 25 - 4.4 Miles Ran...Sponsors Take Rest Day

I finally had a day where I gained ground on the sponsors (not that I'm happy about that!).  I had a nice 4.4 mile run in Farmington this afternoon.  It was cold, low 20's, but very little wind.  I completed miles 78-81, which were sponsored by Bill Gergely, and mile 82, which the first of 10 sponsored by my cousin, Jerome Bresnahan.  Thanks for your generosity gentlemen.

Let's hope the sponsors are well rested for a big comeback in the coming days.

Today's line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/25 F 3:30p 4.4 35:55:00 8:09:46 23f 6 82.2

Anyone ready for baseball yet?  1.8 mile mark in AW Stanley Park

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan. 24 - Rest Day, 2 Miles Sponsored

A rest day came at a good time with wind chills in the single digits.  Betsy Steiner sponsored 2 miles via a Facebook post.  Thanks Betsy!  You have miles 107 and 108 which I should reach about a week from now.  Looking forward to getting back on the road tomorrow and maybe doing a road race this weekend.  The Sandy Hook Family Fund 5K in Milford on Saturday is a good option if the family schedule permits.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jan. 23 - 3.2 miles ran, 5 more sponsored

The sponsors eked out another victory, and for the second day in a row it was thanks to Gwen Brennan Kauffman.  After sponsoring 5 miles via email yesterday, Gwen upped the ante to 10 via a post to the blog today.  Thanks Gwen!

Today my coworkers were shaking their heads as I passed by in 6 layers to go out for my run.  It was definitely the coldest day on which I've run in a few years.  It felt like it was under 20 degrees, maybe around 10 with the wind chill.  However, I was pretty toasty in the 6 layers (a long sleeve running shirt, a "long john" shirt, 3 sweatshirts and a windbreaker).

I completed miles 74-77 today.  Karen Steinbrick sponsored the first two and Bill Gergely the third.  I am hoping that you both are the sponsors of the coldest run on this journey!

Today's line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/23 W 2:15p 3.2 25:52:00 8:05:00 15f 6 77.8

Figured I'd take an indoor pic so I could smile

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jan. 22 - 3.2 miles ran, 5 sponsored

Gwen Brennan Kauffman sent a nice email to me today in which she sponsored 5 miles.  Thanks Gwen, you have miles 97-101.  At my current pace I should cover your miles about a week from now.  I can't wait to hit 100 because then I get to send my Dad a bill for his first $100 donation.

I finished miles 72 and 73 sponsored by the Karen Bassett O'Hearn family and mile 74 sponsored by Karen Steinbrick.  Thanks K & K.  It was coooooooooold today...low 20's with high winds.  Karen B. was right, I had to bundle up like the kid in Christmas Story.  Sorry, I couldn't aim the camera well enough to capture the space suit look, but at least the joy of the run shines through :).

Amazingly, at the 2.1 mile mark, I heard a bird chirping.  I thought of Chase, either rooting me on or telling me to get inside where I belong!

Today's line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/22 Tu 12:30p 3.2 25:49:00 8:04:04 20f 7 74.6

1.5 mile mark, condo in Farmington

I did enjoy the run today--really!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Jan. 21 - 4.4 Miles Ran, 5 Sponsored

Masuk alum Jacquie DeChristopher Hamel sponsored 5 miles on behalf of her family today. Thanks Jacquie, you have miles 92-96, which I should complete early next week.  The total miles sponsored is now up to 111--you guys have done a great job supporting my effort--thanks!

I got 4.4 miles in in Farmington this afternoon.  I was thinking about doing 5 today but I felt a little twinge in my calf--I think Chase was saying "whoa, take it easy, you have a long way to go here!" This run covered miles 68-71, the final four miles sponsored by the "King of the Hill" Erik Findeisen.

Today's line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/21 M 1:00p 4.4 35:15:00 8:00:41 30f 7 71.4

1.5 mile mark at Stanley Park on Farmington/New Britain line

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jan. 20 - Chalk Hill/Sandy Hook Run - 3.9 mis.

I ran in Monroe this morning while visiting my Dad.  My 3.9 mile run included a stop at Sandy Hook Elementary/Chalk Hill.  Like many of this blog's followers, I attended Chalk Hill back in the day.  I had a quick chat with the police officer posted in the driveway who said he was a friend of Becky Kowalski's.  I thought about a lot of things on this run, including Sheri Szymanski who sponsored mile 375 to commemorate the school's address.  I covered miles 64-67 which were sponsored by Erik Findeisen and Joanne DeMace.  I was grumbling about Erik again as I slogged up various hills (per his specific request).

Here's today's line:
DateDoWToDDistanceTime Min/MileNotesEffortTotal Miles

Sandy Hook Elementary (formerly Chalk Hill Middle School)
375 Fan Hill Road, Monroe, CT

Monroe supports Sandy Hook

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jan. 19 - 6.5 miles ran, 15 sponsored

Thanks to Bill Gergely and my cousin Jerome Bresnahan, the sponsors trounced me today, 15 to 6.5.  No complaints here; I'll just have to get in better shape if this keeps up.  Thanks for your generosity.  Family obligations kept me at bay until 4:15 p.m (seems to be my preferred running time), but I still had time for a very nice run through the woods of Colchester (except for the the last 0.5 miles when I was dodging cars out on Route 16).

Today's line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/19 Sa 4:15p 6.5 52:24:00 8:03:42 40f 7 63.1
1.0 mi mark at Day Pond in Colchester, CT
These miles were sponsored by Melanie and Rick Araya (57-59), Lisa Lilly (60) and Erik Findeisen (61-63).  I thought of all of you during the run, especially Erik, my college roommate, when I labored up a hill at the 4 mile mark.  When Erik sponsored his miles, he specifically requested all of them be uphill in the rain.  Given that I don't control the weather, I could only partially deliver.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Rest Day

Today was a rest day for everyone--I took the day off from running and only 3 additional miles were sponsored (thanks Karen Steinbrick!)  I'm hoping to do a 6-8 miler this weekend, probably Sunday.  Let's see if the sponsors can keep up...I know there are a lot of people out there who would like to help.

"Follow By Email" Added

You can now receive blog updates via email by entering an email address in the right upper corner of the blog.  I'm new to Blogger so I'm not exactly sure what content you will receive.  I believe it will be limited to new posts, but you may also receive comments to the posts as well.  I should also note that in order to keep the Welcome post at the top of the blog, I must update its date each time I add a new post.  Accordingly, you may receive two email notices for every "new" blog post.  If you don't like the way the email notification tool works, just unsubscribe--no worries here, I just want to offer the level of access that's best for each follower of the blog.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Dad Steps Up

The following is a really nice email from my Dad that I received today:

Hi Kev,
I would like to match your contribution of $1.00 for every mile you run. This is not consistent with the way you have set up your per mile sponsorship. I'm thinking that for each 100 mile milestone, I will donate $100. Please let me know the best way to do this.
I'm proud of your effort to support the Kowalski family. It is especially amazing to me that so many of your Masuk High school friends continue with such close relationships over all these years. I have witnessed it first hand, both in happy times and sad. I think it is a rare thing but very rewarding, especially at times when it means so much to others.
Hard to beat that, thanks Dad!

Jan 17 - 30 more miles sponsored

Another amazing day reconnecting with friends.  In addition to those who sponsored miles by posting comments (thank you!), two other people contacted me to support this effort.  First, my college roommate and generally awesome person Erik Findeisen and I spoke on the phone and he sponsored 10 miles (he gets miles 61-65 and 67-71, all coming up in the next few days).  Thanks for the generosity, E.

I also received an email from my Dad.  He has pledged to match my dollar per mile donation.  He will contribute $100 at each 100 mile marker.  More pressure for me to go all the way to 1,000!  He also shared his admiration of all the Masuk grads coming together to support the Kowalski's and said that I could post his email, which I will do following this post.

I almost didn't make it out again but managed to squeeze in a 3.6 mile run.  I also forgot my running pants, so I had to run in shorts.  Surprisingly, it wasn't too bad, even with temps in the high 30's.  I think Chase was helping me out a little today.  Here's the line:

Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/17 Th 4:15p 3.6 28:36:00 7:56:40 38f 6 56.6

0.5  mile mark of today's 3.6 mi. run
Melanie Lester Araya's 3 daughters sponsored these miles...thanks!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

52 Miles Sponsored on First Day

Thanks everyone for your support and generosity.  I am amazed at the response.  I can't wait to get back out  on the road and keep pushing towards 1,000.

Improvements, I Hope

I have tried to make posting comments easier by changing the default settings to remove the requirement to sign in..

I also have added information to "How It Works" section to provide a private method of sponsoring miles to those who wish not to identified in the blog.  (But I hope you want to post your name--your doing a great thing!)

Great Start, Thanks!

What a great response following my comment about the blog on the Chase Kowalski Memorial Fund Facebook Page!  A bunch of miles have been sponsored (totals and thank-yous to follow), old friends have emailed about the blog and 66 people have "liked" the original post on Facebook so far!

But don't worry, all this social media stuff has not interfered with the pursuit of 1,000 miles.  Despite a late day meeting and snow-covered sidewalks, I was able to get 3.2 more miles in this afternoon.  Here's today's running line:

DateDoWToDDistanceTime Min/MileNotesEffortTotal Miles

1/16 W 4:15p 3.2 25:10:00 7:51:52 35f 6 53.0

3.2 more miles in the bank today!
Uggh!  That photo has me thinking that I'll take pictures of the scenery on future runs--I'm afraid no one will want to sponsor miles 50-53 because of that mug!

Again, thanks everyone for getting this effort off to a great start.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

3.6 Miles Today

Ran the Batterson Lake Loop in Farmington (3.6 mis) this afternoon on an overcast but comfortable day.  Today's running line looks like:

Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/15 Tu 1:00p 3.6 28:34:00 7:56:07 38f 8 49.8

Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 Running Log

2013 Running Log - as of 1/14/13

Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
1/1 Tu 10:00a 3.1 22:43:00 7:19:41 42f 9 3.1
1/2 W 3:30p 3.6 29:44:00 8:15:33 25f 7 6.7
1/3 Th 4:00p 3.6 29:38:00 8:13:53 28f 7 10.3
1/4 F day off 0.0 x x x x 10.3
1/5 Sa 2:00p 6.2 51:10:00 8:15:10 40f 6 16.5
1/6 Su 2:30p 4.9 40:30:00 8:15:55 42f 6 21.4
1/7 M day off 0.0 x x x x 21.4
1/8 Tu 2:00p 3.2 26:35:00 8:18:26 47f 6 24.6
1/9 W 2:30p 3.6 28:36:00 7:56:40 40f 8 28.2
1/10 Th 4:45p 3.6 29:01:00 8:03:37 40f 8 31.8
1/11 F 12:15p 3.2 24:49:00 7:45:19 40f 9 35.0
1/12 Sa 1:30p 8.1 68:54:00 8:30:22 45f 6 43.1
1/13 Su 11:30a 3.1 27:42:00 8:56:08 45f 5 46.2
1/14 M day off 0.0 x x x x 46.2

Only 953.8 miles to go, better get back out there tomorrow!