Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mar. 15 - 4.4 Miles Ran

Excellent run yesterday (Friday).  I had a one hour window of opportunity at work from 3-4 which provided just enough time to get 4.4 miles in plus shower time.  I am starting a new job on April 1 and I don't think the office has a gym or showers, so it looks like I'll be doing more morning runs.  (Regarding the start date, yes, I'm a little worried, but it would be a pretty elaborate hoax after 3 rounds of interviews!)

I ran the Batterson Lake loop with the Stanley Park extension.  The ice is almost completely gone from the lake, and most of snow is melted from the roads.  The runs this week have been very windy, however.  I eagerly await the first 60 degree day with calm winds.  I finished miles 270-273, sponsored by Moe DeMayo & Family (270-272) and Cheryl Renaud Dowd's eldest son (273).  Moe and Cheryl are classmates of mine and Steve's.  Thanks for your support--the Class of `83 is coming up big yet again.

One interesting development--I have a family vacation to Washington DC coming up in mid April and I asked my Congressman, Joe Courtney, and Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (from Newtown's district) if they would consider meeting me for a quick photo during one of my runs on the trip.  Aids from both offices have gotten back to me and are trying to schedule a quick photo op.  I'm not sure if this will come together, if it does it will be nice to tell them about Chase and Steve and Becky's plans for Chase's Place.

Today's Line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
3/15 F 3:00p 4.4 32:28:00 7:22:44 43f 7 273.4

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