Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Apr. 10 - Curse of the Garmin Returns; the Wicked Watch Awakens

My Garmin watch inexplicably came out of hibernation this morning after a year or so of slumber.  I gave up after a few months of fiddling with it after it went dark.  You may think a Garmin with GPS and multiple workout tracking mechanisms would be a welcome tool for a long distance runner, but I have had a complicated relationship with my old friend.  While I am geeky enough to love tracking time and miles to the hundredth of a second and mile, the specificity can be addicting, and it is always nice to just go out and run without monitoring every step.  During tonight's run, I was looking at the watch half the time, measuring all my landmarks on the Day Pond route.  I also felt compelled to crank out a sub 7 minute mile after staring at the pace tracker during the second mile.  Maybe I'll only use the Garmin a few days a week; otherwise I'll find myself back in the Garmin's Anonymous program.

Still, I enjoyed the run tonight, with temps around 60 degrees and light winds.  I ran 2 loops around the pond for 3.8 miles (the Garmin confirmed the mileage--3.80 on the nose).  I completed miles 359-362, sponsored by Karen Reusch (359) and Sonja Wulff Gray (360-362).  Thanks to Karen and Sonja, two caring members of the Masuk High Class of `83.

Today's Line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
4/10 W 6:00p 3.8 29:19:00 7:42:54 60f 7 362.0

The Evil Stare of the Dreaded Garmin

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