Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 6 and 7 - Rest Days; June 8 - 10 Miles Ran

Unfortunately I got out of my routine this week and had my first consecutive days off from running since March 7-8.  I didn't mind taking Th off after 4 pretty hard days of running, but I was not pleased about Fri.  It would have been a ridiculous run in the pouring rain, but I worry about getting too comfortable taking days off.  I don't know if this applies to most runners, but when I fall out of the running routine, I tend to eat worse, sleep less and be generally less productive.  So Th was Chinese food and the NBA Finals, and Fri was pizza and the Bruins game.  Fortunately, today was a 3 cups of water, a piece of toast and a 10 mile run.  A good run up in Boston tomorrow (niece's HS graduation party) and I'll be right back on track.  In fact, if I can put in 8 miles, I will increase my average miles per day to the greatest amount for the year (an even 4.0).  We'll see if the party atmosphere up in Boston derails my plans.  (When the Bruins won it a couple years ago my brother-in-law from Southie made a fake life-sized Stanley Cup and took it bar-hopping until the B's were knocked out of the playoffs the next year).

I ran one loop around Day Pond (2.6 miles) and the Rt. 149-Cato Corner-Rt. 16 course (7.4 miles) for a total of 10.  The weather was beautiful--mid 60's with a nice breeze.  Despite bad fuel in the tank, I felt strong and ran at a decent pace.  I completed miles 623-632 (unsponsored).  The next sponsored mile is number 665 by Robin Wildman.  I can't wait to get there--it's always better to run with or for someone!

Lastly, my friend Lindsay Knauf was featured on the SportzEdge program on Ch. 8 WTNH at 11pm last night.  As many blog followers here know, Lindsay is running 26 races this year, one for each person lost at Sandy Hook Elementary.  I will try to find a link to the piece--it was well done.  Part of the interview was done at the Sprint for Monroe race.  I met up with Lindsay after the race and she said she was trying to find me to talk to the WTHN reporter about 10004chase.  So she's a runner, a philanthropist and now a publicist!  Thanks Lindsay! You can follow her blog at

Today's Line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
6/8 Sa 10:00a 10.0 1:16:23 7:38:18 65f 8 632.0

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