Monday, February 11, 2013

Feb. 11 - 3.2 Miles Ran, No Sponsors

Despite racing the clock on a work assignment, I was able to get in a 3.2 mile run through the snowy and foggy streets of Colchester.  Mother Nature decided to remove all worries about the icy path to Day Pond by covering it with 3 feet of snow.  And the Colchester DPW is doing its part by presumably leaving that stretch of road for last on the plow list.

It was actually a really nice run today, with temps in the 40's.  I am confined to only a few roads given how precariously the main streets are, but by retracing my steps a little I have fashioned a decent 3.2 mile route.  (Though I did a little Apolo Ohno impersonation coming down the last hill--definitely see how apropos his last name is now).

Today's miles, 145-147, were sponsored by Len Gutman.  Thanks for sponsoring these miles Len--I sure didn't see running between 5 foot snow banks when you sponsored those miles back in January!

Today's Line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
2/11 M 3:00p 3.2 29:24:00 9:11:15 44f 4 147.9

My mailbox is the starting line for runs from home -  could throw
the whole 1,000 mile measurement off if we get another foot of snow!

Loving the lack of cars--esp. on the foggy, narrow road

The formerly treacherous path to Day safe (and impassible). 

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