Friday, February 15, 2013

Feb 14 - 3.1 Miles Ran, 25 Miles Sponsored

The sponsors did not take kindly to my comment that I was catching up to them!  Moe deMayo, a friend from the Masuk High Class of `83, told me that an article about this effort was published in the Monroe Courier.  I was interviewed a few weeks back and didn't know when the article would be published.  I haven't seen the article yet, and as I told Moe, I'm a little nervous because the last time I was in the Courier, it was in a high school basketball photo with the caption reading "Awkward But Effective".  I may have to dig that memorable clipping out of my scrap book and post it here (before some else does--I know Greg Ruel is looking for it as we speak!)  Hopefully the reporter was kind, but even if its an "Awkward" redux, I'm happy that the article reached Moe and that he is willing to help the cause.  Thanks Moe.

I also heard from Cheryl Renaud Dowd, who sponsored 15 miles on behalf of her 3 sons. She quoted Robert Frost, stating that I ("have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep"). I responded that I have been thinking more about Jack than Robert Frost on my last few runs. However, she (and Robert) are right, I do have promises to keep. For the deMayo family, I am promising to run miles 263-272, and for Cheryl's sons, I promise to run miles 273-277 (son 1); 278, 279 and 280-282 (son 2) and 283-287 (son 3). Big thanks to both Moe and Cheryl for their generosity and kind messages.

I also want to share Becky Kowalski's response to my post about the 50 miles sponsored by the students, teachers and families at Rocky Heights Middle School in Colorado:

Rebecca wrote: "Wow! God bless America, this is fantastic Thank you
from the bottom of our hearts, I once again am speechless...AMAZING

This is what it's all about--showing our support directly to this incredible family and lifting their spirits--we can make a difference!

I ran 3.2 miles mid-afternoon in Farmington.  The roads are still a mess but the temps were in the 40's again, very comfortable.  I didn't feel as strong as earlier in the week but that's part of running nearly everyday--some runs are really reboots for the coming days.  I covered miles 158 and 159, sponsored by Joanne Zuzick Garrett and mile 160 sponsored by Ashish Modi.  Thank you Joanne and Ashish, I appreciate your support!

Today's Line:
Date DoW ToD Distance Time  Min/Mile Notes Effort Total Miles
2/14 Th 2:30p 3.2 25:29:00 7:57:49 42f 5 160.6

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